Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 10, 11, 12, and 13

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.

Someone I don't talk to as much as I'd like to is my brother Don. He doesn't really answer my calls or texts, so I haven't talked to him a long time. But he's coming back from Montana August 6 (I think), so that's good. =]


Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to.

Uhhhh. Um. I don't know. :c


Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain one. c:


Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you.

Someone I wish I could Well, I forgive everyone for whatever they do, so I can't really think of anyone. =/

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day Nine - Someone You Wish You Could Meet

I wish I could meet almost every person on Six Billion Secrets. I just want to meet them and love on them and make them feel better so they don't think the way they do or cut themselves or want to kill themselves. I just want them to live their life and not be the way they are at this point.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day Eight - Favorite Internet Friend

Well, if you know me, you would know (or would assume) that I have internet friends. And you're right! I have bunches and love them very much. I don't even think I can pick a favorite.

I guess I could talk about the internet friend that I talk to the most? If so, then here it goes:

I have a friend Meghan and she's basically the sweetest, most artistic and amazing girl I probably will ever know. Her drawings are
amazing and she's just. Ugh. I love her so much. Last summer she helped me through some tough times. I had been through some type of depression or something (I was miserable all the time) through the school year. Then I started talking to her during the summer and oh my goodness I was a new person. We had little bible studies and read The Chronicles of Narnia together and all of these fun stuff. Inside jokes galore! It's really sad because we only talk during the summer because I'm always busy when school starts. =/ ANYWAYS. She's showed me great bands to listen to, lovely books to read, etc. I was gonna say something else, but I forget.

That's it for now. c:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day Five, Six, and Seven

Day Five:

I'm a freak and have no dreams.


Day Six:

There was a girl the other day at Popeyes. She seemed nice.


Day Seven:

Ex-boyfriend is Zaid. APPARENTLY. I don't like bringing it up. I was stupid, listened to Grace, and went out with Zaid. For a day. Or less than a day. He's one of my friends from school. It was awkward. I don't want to blog about it. Ugh.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Four - My Siblings

I have three older brothers. I am the only girl and I wouldn't want to change it. Ever. I love them all so much.

My oldest brother is Don. He's 22, and is currently in Montana for a internship at MSU. This coming school year will be his final college year. Well...until he goes for his different degrees or whatever. He's majoring in civil engineering (like my dad). He loves photography (like me) and Mario. He's super fun to hang out with. I love him. <3

My second oldest brother is Matt. He's 20, and likes to beat me up. It's not cool. At all. He likes WoW, too. There's not much about him to talk about... He's pretty boring. Hahah. But I still love him.

And last but not least is Eric! He's 16 and he loves Halo and Half Life. He can make maps and do all this fancy stuff on the computer. I can't do it. I'd love to, though. If only I had skills. He's super cool and smart. I love him.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Three - My Parents

I feel kind of bad for my parents. Before me, they had three boys. Then BAM! they had a girl. I'm guessing they weren't ready for it. I know I wouldn't be. I'd be freaking out. But that's me.

ANYWAYS. My parents will have been married 22 years (I think) this November. How cute! They met in Orlando...I think. And they fell in loveeeeee.

My dad used to be a really athletic guy. He swam, lifted weights, participated in triathlons. You get the idea. And my mom was just a regular girl. Yay regular girls!

I don't know what else to say....

They've spoiled me so much and had to cope with me through my crazy obsessions. Pandas, monkeys, China (in general), dinosaurs (current obsession!), and Pokemon (another current obsession!).

Um. So yeah. I'm not very good with this kind of stuff.

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day Two - My Crush

This'll be easy:

I don't have one!